What is takes to put on Nottingham’s biggest business event – a guest blog by Andy Whyles, All About Tourism

As a director of one of Nottingham’s most exciting events company, organising big imaginative shows is second nature. At All About Tourism we have built up an innovative and hardworking team who enthusiastically take on new challenges every day. We all love Nottingham and what is has to offer, which is why many of our events celebrate this city.

This is what led us to think: ‘Why doesn’t Nottingham have a Business Expo?’ We see a huge influx of out of city businesses come to Nottingham to use our modern conference centres and meeting rooms, but we as a city, rarely use these facilities to full effect.

As Sir John Peace said recently: ‘Nottingham is a great place to have your headquarters and do business.’ With the current debate on devolution from London and the evolution of the greater cities, this is our moment. Nottingham also has fantastic inner and outer city connection from the new tram opening, the recently modernised train station and the widening of the A453.

The success of any big event starts with identifying the right partners. We needed a partner who could reach the city and who knows business – working with the Nottingham Post ticks these boxes. Other partners include Nottingham Means Business, Nottingham City Council, the Creative Quarter and more.

Making an event like this come to life is a complicated business and includes the following:

Finding the right venue – for this event there was an obvious choice, Nottingham Conference Centre, which is a stunning building that brings together the old and the new in architecture. It is right in the middle of the city and easy to find. It is built for this kind of event with big expanses of space just asking to be filled with the imagination of Nottingham businesses.

Next there was the challenge of finding the right speakers to act as a draw to our vibrant and diverse business community. We have secured Nick Leeson, Wayne Hemmingway MBE and Gareth Davis.

Planning a day of events brings on a whole new set of challenges and you have to start with knowing your audience. Any event has to open with something exciting and something worth arriving early for. Then you have to maintain this energy throughout the day, keep things busy and make sure there is plenty to do. Finally, you have got to end on a high, so people walk away with the right lasting memory and a desire to come back next year.

Throughout this process it is important to work closely with partners to maintain the cohesive front. Keep the messages the same and stick to what you agree to produce so things are not forgotten or duplicated.

Finally there is selling, this is an art and you have to identify what kind of clients you need as sponsors. Advertising is key, as tickets won’t sell themselves, you have to be exciting, different and imaginative and use a variety of different media.

It’s been lots of hard work, but we are very proud of what we have achieved so far and look forward in anticipation to the 26th February at 9am when the doors open.

For more info on the event please visit www.nottinghambusinessexpo.co.uk or follow us on Twitter @NottBizExpo.