MIPIM 2015 – a blog by Jon Enever of Gleeds

In March this year I will head to the South of France for the twelfth successive year to attend MIPIM (Le Marché international des professionals de l’immobilier).

I won’t be alone in attending – last year in excess of 21,000 property professionals, from 93 countries, were present in Cannes. The event aims to facilitate informed business discussions between investors, corporate end-users, local authorities and real estate professionals.

MIPIM always divides opinions and I suspect this year will be no different.

There are the cynics who always ask the obvious question – why there is the need to head to one of the most affluent, expensive parts of the world to have such discussions? Then there are those who have previously attended, who will argue that the access to influential individuals is something that you would rarely get at home in the UK.

Yes there are meetings on yachts. Yes meetings take place in a more relaxed environment, where it’s not unusual to have a beer in your hand whilst the discussions are in full flow. From a Nottingham perspective it is an opportunity to show potential inward investors and end-users what the city has to offer.

All of the UK core cities will be there in force competing with Nottingham. In my experience cities such as Birmingham, Manchester and London will invest significantly more in attending MIPIM than Nottingham does and take more key figures with them from the Public Sector. Boris Johnson is now a permanent fixture as part of London’s team.

Whilst the Nottingham message might still require some refinement, to ensure that those that matter are aware that we are more than just “open for business”, what the city does have in ‘Talented Team Nottingham’ is a unique set of individuals that come together to work as hard as possible on behalf of our home city.

A combination of personnel from Nottingham City Council and Nottingham-based private sector businesses, the team is managed with military precision. Everyone knows the script; everyone knows who is doing what and is prepared to work for up to 20 hours a day to promote the city.

In the twelve years that I’ve been part of Team Nottingham I’ve seen the brand develop and a unique personality be formed. People now want to be invited to Team Nottingham events that are arranged during the week. You constantly get a knowing nod of appreciation when strangers spot the pink lanyard that denotes you’re part of Team Nottingham, with an attitude that working together we will succeed.

For me the real key success to MIPIM is to follow contacts up quickly and professionally when you return to the UK. This is an area where Talented Team Nottingham can and must improve.

Don’t be fooled by the photos of yachts, sunglasses and champagne – MIPIM is hard work and hugely important to the future of our city.

For more information on Team Nottingham at MIPIM 2015, please click here.