Do you have FinTech or Big Data Analytics operations?

NMB member Invest in Nottingham is developing an exciting FinTech/Big Data Analytics [BDA] campaign designed to highlight Nottingham’s strengths and opportunities within this key market.

With the aim of appealing to both international audiences and those elsewhere in the UK – this campaign will be designed to encourage businesses to locate in the city, creating economic growth and jobs.

To help inform this campaign, Invest in Nottingham are keen to understand what businesses in Nottingham have significant FinTech/BDA operations and what R&D is being invested in and around these areas. These businesses can then be highlighted as exemplars and help to inform the wider FinTech “offer” in the city.

The UK and Ireland are the fastest growing regions for FinTech investment with deal volumes growing at 74 percent a year since 2008, compared with 27 percent globally and 13 percent in Silicon Valley. BDA provides one of the largest opportunities in the FinTech market, with the sub-sector’s value increasing from $10bn in 2012 to $50bn in 2015, and 85% of Fortune 500 companies are expected to implement BDA in the next 2 years. BDA alone is expected to create an additional 58,000 jobs in the UK by 2017 – an opportunity for Nottingham to grasp with both hands.

If you are a business with FinTech/BDA operations, please contact Christopher Leishman, Business Expansion Specialist, at Invest in Nottingham: – 0115 876 3506 / 07939 979 409.